{"id":5158,"date":"2015-10-30T02:54:01","date_gmt":"2015-10-30T02:54:01","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.archi-ninja.com\/?p=5158"},"modified":"2015-10-30T06:57:08","modified_gmt":"2015-10-30T06:57:08","slug":"interview-with-alper-derinbogaz-salon-architects","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.archi-ninja.com\/interview-with-alper-derinbogaz-salon-architects\/","title":{"rendered":"Interview with Alper Derinbogaz, Salon"},"content":{"rendered":"
Alper Derinbo\u011faz\u00a0is an architect who lives and practices architecture in Istanbul. Derinbo\u011faz founded\u00a0Salon<\/a>\u00a0in 2009, he also currently\u00a0runs the architectural design\u00a0studio at the Istanbul Technical University as an adjunct lecturer. I first came across his early works a few years back including\u00a0Gate, Panorama and Augmented\u00a0Structures. In 2011 he received the\u00a0Arkitera Young\u00a0Architect Award. Derinbo\u011faz operates\u00a0in both large and small scales to uncover\u00a0and\u00a0question the essential elements of a\u00a0given site or theme. His work\u00a0explores the themes of experiences in flux\u00a0by the use of novel technologies. Below is an interview with Alper Derinbo\u011faz:<\/p>\n <\/p>\n 1. Which of your projects has been the most rewarding and why?<\/strong><\/p>\n AD:\u00a0Augmented Structures, City Museum of Istanbul, and Istanbul Antenna Tower are among the projects that I think were and still are rewarding. Each building had a\u00a0different scale and context but the common theme is that they are public buildings. It is an honour for an architect to inspire and design for the public.<\/p>\n 2. How do you think design\u00a0will change in the next 50 years?<\/strong><\/p>\n AD:\u00a0I believe that the boundaries between our professions are about to melt. This does not necessarily mean the end of these fields of work but it does indicate the need for common knowledge to create and produce. Architecture seemingly had distinguished itself from engineering in the past decades, however today this is not the situation.<\/p>\n There is also an alarming situation that I observe on the future of design that will most likely cause a paradigm shift on design and architecture. Emerging applications and design customization software\u00a0is\u00a0inviting\u00a0the user to DIY design. The main goal of this is to make everybody his or her own designer. Although it is still underdeveloped, I assume this is just the beginning and computation is going to progress in the near future.<\/p>\n The term sustainability is also being consumed excessively, however it does not mean that it is sustainable most of the time. Practically we do not have another opportunity to be really sustainable. Architecture and design will need to think of this problem more and more.<\/p>\n 3. What changes would you like to see in the design\u00a0profession?<\/strong><\/p>\n AD:\u00a0We will face a rapid change in the coming years which I believe is necessary. Those fields and tools that cannot adapt will be pushed out of the game. When I say this it sounds cruel, but it is indeed a sort of natural selection we visit frequently.\u00a0What I would like to see in the design profession is a more adaptive and flexible know-how as we remain\u00a0deeply motivated and ambitious of design tradition.<\/p>\n 4. Do you think that design\u00a0tends to be trendy today?<\/strong><\/p>\n AD:\u00a0<\/span>Yes it is but this is not what I hope for. Being trendy means being ephemeral, moreover most of the time it lacks value.<\/p>\n Design is about creating value nothing else;\u00a0I hate the non-committed, faceless flexibility and open endedness of the present architecture. I also hate show-off buildings. It should not be about creating forms or shapes. It is about creating meaning and it needs to connect to the people, the location and the idea; it needs to live even it is a frozen body.<\/p>\n 5. What would students learn from reviewing the body of projects you have completed?<\/strong><\/p>\n AD: Our\u00a0designs are site and question specific. We try to keep our work\u00a0as diverse as possible. I can comment them to look for new tectonics, and ask questions about the fundamentals of architecture; to understand what they are and to question them.<\/p>\n 6. What aspect of Architecture do you find most important?<\/strong><\/p>\n AD:\u00a0The fact is that architecture does not exist without a client. The clients are important in principal. But I think it is more important to know why you are designing. So please spend time to understand what is fundamental for you. And once you find it, stick with it.<\/p>\n I can say the quality of the research and how we prepare for the design phase is the most important aspect or what we do. It is the time you gather the ingredients and feed your brain. When the inputs are fulfilling, the intuitive process begins. And this is what guides us until the end. Intuition is important, but it does not comes itself and never works alone.<\/p>\n From a practical point of view, the most important aspect in the workflow depends on the project. Sometimes the site and landscape, sometimes the idea or technology we integrate and sometimes the climate.<\/p>\n 7. What inspired you to become involved in design?<\/strong><\/p>\n AD: I used to paint when I was young and being a painter was the only direction I could think of my future. Then I saw the power of space and its infinite possibilities, and that brought me to where I am today.<\/p>\n I am inspired mostly by the fields that are not about design or architecture. Story telling is what attracts me most of the time. Either cinema or literature. I believe every project and its process is a story that has a beginning and an end, that cannot exist unless several characters are involved, but it always has a protagonist.<\/p>\n Besides the overall approach, I find many things that I pursue, in nature. In a way it is like an enigma and the system embedded in it is hard for us to decipher. An infinite organization that constantly impairs itself where everything is essential and irreplaceable. I like to think about these cycles and facts when I create without noticing the scale.<\/p>\n 8. What is your favourite time of the day?<\/strong><\/p>\n AD: My favourite time of the day is when the phone stops calling, that is when I can be productive.<\/p>\n 9. What would be your ultimate design project?<\/strong><\/p>\n AD: I am fine with the limitations. They make life a nicer place to live; either you obey or fight.<\/p>\n 10. What are you doing at the moment?<\/strong><\/p>\n AD: Heading to Beirut for Arch Maraton Award; an architecture award organized by the Mediterranean countries.<\/p>\n Sisli Tower<\/em><\/p>\n I\u2019d like to thank Alper Derinbogaz\u00a0<\/strong>for participating in the interview, it was a pleasure. If you\u2019re interested in getting in touch or finding out more about Salon, visit their\u00a0website.<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n<\/a>Left: Alper Derinbo\u011faz<\/a>, Right:\u00a0Tri Fold Furniture, Madrid.\u00a0<\/a><\/em><\/p>\n
Interview with Alper Derinbogaz, Salon Architects<\/h2>\n
<\/a>Augmented Structures<\/a><\/em><\/p>\n
<\/a>Denktas Mausoleum and Museum<\/a><\/em><\/p>\n
<\/a>Antalya Hub<\/em><\/p>\n