
This tag is associated with 8 posts

Interview with Gerard Reinmuth

Gerard Reinmuth is a Director of TERROIR, the practice he founded with Richard Blythe and Scott Balmforth in 1999. The practice emerged from a series of conversations between these three in regard to the potential for architecture to open up question of cultural consequence. The work of the practice encompasses projects, research and regular contributions to the culture of architecture and its practice.

Interview with Andrew Maynard

Andrew Maynard, is an architect based in Melbourne Australia, raised and educated in Tasmania. His firm, Andrew Maynard Architects (AMA), was established in 2002 and is quickly being recognised for his unique work and experimental conceptual designs. The grounded ethics and morals which surround Andrews work are a refreshing inspiration to both students and the profession.

NinjaFuel | Readings for the Urban Ninja (4/04/09)

“Ninjas totally respect life and enjoy plants and animals, but remember, they are completely willing to kill you if you start acting like a retard” (excerpt from:  Real Ultimate Power : The Official Ninja Book “Dealing with Ninjas on a Personal Level”) Hey Readers! welcome to my new (almost) weekly post! NinjaFuel is a new […]

Full-time Ninja’s – Tough Economy Hitting Ninjas Hard

Ever wondered how the tough economy is affecting our silent warriors? In this year alone 223 ninjas will graduate from their dojo to a tight job market that just cant support them – these deadly warriors of an ancient art will be forced to take demeaning jobs way below their skill level…or worse, wander the […]

Ninja Parade slips through Modesto, California

Once a year residents turn out for Modesto’s annual ‘Ninja Parade’. Yet again no ninjas were spotted…Obviouly only true ninja’s can identify other ninjas. For more ninja 101 check out The official Ninja Book.

Shoulder mounted side mirrors (for the non-ninja)

Ninja’s have an acute awareness of their surroundings – with their senses tuned to everything around them. For those struggling with their Ninja sense.. here’s a quick concept to help keep you aware and on your toes – Ninja side-mirrors (for the non-Ninja)…

UNStudio to design new Amsterdam Plein & Pavilion

Are my big brothers at AMNP always right? Architects, Ninjas and Thumbtacks declared that architects around the world are finally accepting (and spreading) their message of ninjadom – not only are architects like Andrew Maynard accepting of their message, it also seems that the big guns like UNStudio are in too! Amsterdam architect Ben van […]

Ninja Stars…legalised for office use

Up until now i have been making paper stars to let fly at my unsuspecting colleagues- today i have up-ed the stakes by purchasing Ninja Tacks. Swift and silent cork board devastation can now be yours for $12 US. [Chromly via bbGadgets]