
Interesting stuff on the internet

Interesting stuff on the internet is an article sharing my favourite recent online inspiration and distractions.

Coffee vs. beer: Which drink makes you more creative? 

I Fucking Love Science is a Facebook Page by Elise Andrew that gets 15, 000 new followers every day! Born out of mischief and frustration the page is a mixture of meme-style science illustrations, of plain speaking summaries and of links to oddities.

16 useless and deceptive infographics…except no. 8: “know your poop” I kinda like this one.

Adventures of a Serial Trespasser: Bradley Garrett, a photographer and researcher with a background in anthropology and archeology has spent the last five years exploring the hidden and forgotten parts of cities all over the world. Great photos and interesting stories.

This week the internet has been obsessed with realistic oil paintings by Alyssa Monks and Brian Mashburn. Their amazing work has inspired me to re-decorate! My friend told me to take a look at art online. Now for big decision and subsequent Instagram photos…

 Mark Perrett’s blog is just full of awesome stuff relating to design, music, writing and education.

Great article by Ryan Hansanuwat about Tattoos in Architecture with a few quotes from me about image, anarchy and capitalism.

IKEA or Death: An online game that challenges you to correctly label words as either an IKEA product or a death metal band. (18/20 for me!)

From the Knees of my Nose to the Belly of my Toes: A brick facade created by Alex Chinneck

Banksy is currently hitting up NY City. My Favourite two so far: Baa baa Banksy! A slaughterhouse truck filled with lively animals and the sale of his original works for $60.

After five billion years of solitude Lee Billings talks about the search for live among the stars and what it will take to find life elsewhere in the universe.

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE this speech by mechanical engineering major and general boss, Nicholas Selby AKA king of the nerds.

Inside the fabled walls of the Chelsea Hotel: Tales from the legendary hotel-slash-commune that housed Jackson Pollock, Dylan Thomas, Arthur Miller, Bob Dylan, Robert Mapplethorpe, Patti Smith, and Sid Vicious—told by residents like Rufus Wainwright, Betsey Johnson, R. Crumb, and Andy Warhol

What do graduates get paid? Complete the Australian Institute of Architects 2013 Graduate of Architecture Survey.

How Architecture Affects Education: Do the buildings in which we study the ability to make us more creative or more successful?

From concrete lamp bases to leather poufs Peter Fehrentz presentes Made by Yourself, a step-by-step book comprising 48 do-it-yourself projects. A great interview with the designer is located here.

I hope you found inspiration from my distractions. I’d love you to share your own interesting distractions in the comment section below.


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