Comments on: My University Project: Commercial Design Proposal, Sydney Mon, 16 Apr 2018 07:58:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Mon, 29 Oct 2012 16:03:49 +0000 قشنگ بود ولی کاش کاملتر بود

By: shifa Wed, 19 Sep 2012 15:30:41 +0000 hey its a great work.
superb visualization..
even using this shape for the structure is not easy as compared to simple rectangular or square form….
i liked d arrangement of floors.

By: baba cu Sat, 09 Jun 2012 00:32:46 +0000 The panalisation of external glazing is inline with the diagrid structure and requires 2 panel sizes per level, each level the panel size changes due to the varying shape of the building. Vertical and horizontal shading is inline with the exterior mullions. The building uses the double cavity between the structural diagrid to provide a fixed shading solution; the shading consists of primarily vertical, combination and primarily horizontal shading structures. The shading structure also acts as a light shelf to extend light into the floor plate. The double cavity is naturally ventilated to act as a climate buffer between the interior and exterior.
oh! it is good
i like.

By: Sameer Hajirnis Sun, 06 Jun 2010 15:27:39 +0000 Hi Linda,
You’ve done a great job,liked your presentation.I have just finished my first urban design project/study at college .This site poses similar challenges that i’ve faced during my study.But do have any alternate solutions in terms zoning and is going vertical the only solution in this context??

By: Andy C Fri, 19 Mar 2010 17:23:30 +0000 Hi Linda,
With that difficult constraint, you did great. It struck me that you
had read the city and its defects to perfection, that you know the antidote, feel it so well, but seemed whistful in your assessment of your prescription, disappointed in how well you think you did : giving yourself credit only for having done a better job at a commercial space than most. You need to get yourself elected, convince the citizens that they are missing out on your vision, and design a Central Park for Sydney!
Looking forward to seeing your free-style project, your vision when placed front and centre to decide both the what and the how-to. Subject and Object. It is rare in practise as you know to be allowed to serve the public as you would like to serve them, as you would like to see them served to make their city work better for them. But when you can, thats the acme of self-expression in my book. Power to your elbow, Linda.
Kind Regards

By: Linda Thu, 18 Mar 2010 22:59:50 +0000 Hi Andy,

Thank you for your feedback. The program had to be commercial (based on the assignment outline), I probably would have taken a fail if i didnt address commercial space.

With that said, your idea sounds great, im looking at doing a design subject soon, where we acually define our own adjenda and id love to do something similar to what you recommended. Ill post that up on archi-ninja also.

Awesome i have your vote! Thank you for your support.


By: Andy C Thu, 18 Mar 2010 22:50:19 +0000 Hi Linda,
I like your radical analysis and your challenging attitude. How free were you in selecting your programme? I would love to see a design of yours for a park for this space without the need to make it stack up with commercial rental space : water, sunshine, trees, a bike rental stand …lots for kids, lots for the elderly, lots for those excluded people etc but hey maybe we need a revolution to get your urban priorities on and up the agenda. I’d vote for you!
Well done.

By: obor kahuripan Tue, 12 Jan 2010 10:15:54 +0000 Quick comment: i like it. The plan looks like one of Oscar Niemeyer tower. Great work.

By: Linda Fri, 08 Jan 2010 00:46:14 +0000 Hi Anis,

Than you for your comment, the concept of Fine Grain is actually based on a report written by Craig Allchin as a revitalisation strategy for the City of Sydney. In summary, the author recommended that it would be possible to revitalise Sydney’s City Centre via lane ways, smaller spaces and narrow streets. Craig works for an Architectural firm called 6 degrees. I’m sure you can contact them for more info.

My interpretation of fine grain in a site specific context is based on the insertion of multiple and public programs at Ground plane. The idea is that the very large site is not closed from the public but is highly activated through the insertion of dense and public program. In turn the site will begin to act by nature like a lane way. The strategy was about supporting local bars and various industries rather than privatising the ground plane which i believe should strongly belong to the public.

Additional to this Sydney has a long history with amalgamating smaller lots into 1 large block of land. Traditionally architects will approach such a site with 1 large building, this in turn reduces the possibility of incorporating fine grain because it removes the lane ways between those previously smaller lots. It is the amalgamation and privatisation between those smaller lots which i was also opposing.

I hope this helps. Best of luck with your studies, i hope the project goes well. Id love to see it when your finished.

Kind Regards,


By: anis sofia Thu, 07 Jan 2010 06:09:04 +0000 hey..that was very exciting to read on your project. well done! (:
by the way, i am wondering, would you help me define the ‘fine-grain’ term because currently im working on my university project also and specialize on commercial area planning. and i would love to know more on commercial area planning, but unfortunately, i am lacking of reference here. hopefully, you can help me out. nice project anyway. (:
