
Update on the life of Archi-Ninja

Thanks to all Archi-Ninja readers for your support and loyalty – I’ve had the most busiest couple of months on the blog to date! I hope to get some more posts up soon, but first an update on things. All is incredibly well at work – I am currently documenting the 1 Bligh Street project located in Sydney, which in itself has been keeping me more than busy.

Also contributing to my lack of free time is my full time return to study at UTS. I am currently enrolled in an Architectural Design subject with Adam Russell from DRAW and Simeon King from Anagram Studio. The subject considers a major urban intervention to Ultimo Creative Precinct. Pretty exciting so far, and pretty cool to hear that once this unit is completed our work will be featured in the Powerhouse Museum.

I am also working on my online portfolio at I’m redesigning my CV with the hope to better  integrate with Archi-Ninja, resolve a monitor resolution redirect and get the site on to a content management system which will make it easier for me to maintain. See below a preliminary example of my proposed landing page and project page, the navigation works the same as current. (check it out) I would love some feedback and ideas.


I’m also pleased to announce a new post format for Archi-Ninja. I will be providing a weekly Ninja round-up based on what I’ve found to be interesting and worth mentioning in the design & architecture feeds. (plus the odd random link and Ninja spotting ofcourse!) Anyone have any good suggestions for the post title?

Once again, thank you for your continued support and I hope to hear from you in my comments (or connect with me on Twitter!).

Over and out.
– Linda B


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